MAD Badging…

From Linda Pattison:

…has been, well, mad, hasn’t it?

Here’s one new item that has been put in place – an email alias for Badging.  Please send all badging requests and questions to  This is a group list and will assist us with getting to your requests in a timely fashion.  If you need a new badge between now and April 8th, please let us know by sending an email to that address.  If you have already been submitted for new badge, don’t send another.

Spring Show – we will continue the Special Event badges for the workshops as we come up to the Spring Show in June.  Once we have finalized where the performances will take place, we will then have our badging strategy to along with it.  Please watch for more information coming in future MADograms.

As we come out of the pandemic to fully-onsite work, there have been changes for Center Security.  Not the least has been the relocation of the main gate from across from the shopping center to ICESat Road.  The original badging office was in Building 9 – which has now been completely torn down – gone, kaput…  The new badging office is in Building 17.  The fence line for the Center basically cuts through the building now.  There is an offsite and onsite section that is controlled.  You access the offsite portion by turning onto ICESat Road towards the new main gate.  Then turn left onto WMAP Road towards the Visitor Center.  There is a right turn off that road into the badging office parking lot.

Additionally, Security staffing has changed.  The person who handled renewing the club affiliations and badges has moved on to a new position.  Her backfill has been managing the renewals of the affiliation well.  The badging office staffing has changed resulting in the drawback of in person hours to work badging appointments.  This is why the appointments for a new picture badge involving new fingerprints or pictures need to be scheduled during the 7a-2:30p, Monday-Friday window.  Simple renewals that don’t require re-validation can be handled as a hand off between 7a-3p, Monday through Fridays.

We are working closely with Security to meet the badging needs of the club and its membership.  It can be frustrating, but we have made success.  Security wants to work with us to find ways to allow our NVM members to participate in club activities.  As we start working towards the Fall Show – please do not hesitate to let us know about issues you may encounter with getting a club badge.  Send that information to the email address.

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