We will be having a work Party for MAD’s Winter Show, Almost Maine, this Saturday (February 22) starting at 10 AM at the Barney & Be a Recreation Center. Move-In for the show will be the following Saturday (March 1), also starting at 10 AM.
At the work party we will have some jobs for making hanging wall decorations, painting a base coat on the stage, painting benches and moving stage platforms and supports from the shed to the grill room in the rec-center (involves lifting stage platforms and the supports).
Move-in will involve setting up the stage, additional painting, hanging lights, setting up light and sound (the tech table), organizing the green room and dressing rooms, etc…
All MAD members are welcome to come help (and indeed encouraged). For Non-voting Members (and prospective members) helping at work parties and move-in may be considered a significant contribution to the club for the purpose of getting or renewing Non-Voting Member status.
Note: You will need a GSFC Badge, Club Member Badge or One Day Event Badge to attend and help. There is probably not enough time to get one (if you don’t have one) for the February 22 work party, but it may be arranged for move-in. Let us know If you need an event badge for March 1 (eliotmal@me.com).