MAD Drama Workshop Returns!

MAD is happy to announce the return of its Spring Drama Workshop, pioneered and developed over many years by the late Gene Smith.  It’s a great opportunity to engage in acting or directing, whether you are a neophyte or experienced.  No auditions are required and all are welcome.  Sessions will begin one night a week, beginning the week of February 19th.  The day of the week and venue are still being arranged, but are likely to be Tuesdays in the building 3 auditorium.  There may be a few exercises or presentations each night, but the focus would be on cold readings of scripts that are either excerpts from full shows or short one-act plays.  Anyone is welcome to bring in pieces and everyone will get a chance to read a lot of parts, regardless of normal casting considerations (age, gender, etc.).

After several weeks of readings, those who wish to participate further will gather on a Saturday afternoon in early April to select pieces they are interested in performing or directing.  That is, the actors will not be auditioned; the workshop auditions the shows to fit the participants as much as possible. The goal is to see to it that all who participate get to do something substantial (as well as, perhaps, some supporting roles in other pieces).  It also gives MAD the opportunity to perform an excerpt of a show that could not be mounted in full for various reasons.  The workshop leaders will create a performance package based on the participants’ interest.  They will also work up a schedule with an eye to rehearsing each piece once a week and minimizing the number of nights people are tied up.   The pieces will then be rehearsed separately and brought together during the final rehearsal week, probably in early June.  There will likely be two or three performances.

Randy Barth will lead the workshop as executive director, but this is also a great opportunity for folks to try their hand at directing or co-directing with a more experienced person.  We will be sending out additional information over the next few weeks, but want to encourage those interested to let us know by email ( over the next two weeks, even if you are unsure or need more details before you can decide whether to join.  Tell us whether you have nights good or bad for participation or performing or any other input.  If you’d like to help gather scripts, make a presentation, organize, or help with tech, we’d love to know that as well.  And if you have interest in producing or directing, let us know that.  If we do end up on center, we’ll need to make badge arrangements for you if you do not have one; so knowing in advance will help us do that in a timely way.

We hope that you will be excited to join in.  Let us know!

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