Join MAD to see the fruits of the Spring Music and Drama Workshops. We will present an evening of one-acts, cuttings from shows, and musical performances at the Goddard Visitor Center, just west of the main gate off ICESat Road. Come see your friends. Additional details coming soon.
Drama Workshop: Cathy Barth, Randy Barth, Jon Gardner, Victoria Gorska-Rabuck, Melanie Hall, Pat Laczo, Eliot Malumuth, Penny Martin, Lelia Moors, Hope Shapiro, David Solomon, Barbara Ying, Dexter Ying, Spencer Ying, Ted Ying
Music Workshop: Sue Breon, Mike Heney, Emily Letchworth, Kathy Nieman, Richard Richardson, Courtney Ritz, David Solomon
Workshop Leadership and Staff: Randy Barth, Anne Gardner, Jon Gardner, Ashley Greeley, Brittany Klein, Eliot Malumuth, Linda Pattison, Joanne Scott, Linda Sellner, Lauren Ward